Scroll down to find updates for primary care providers, including the latest memos, the Calgary Zone Primary Cares newsletter and Zone webinar information:
Calgary Zone webinar series
Dr. Rick Ward and Dr. Christine Luelo co-hosted the latest webinar in the Calgary Zone’s popular series on Monday, November 18 (respiratory viruses, FAST and bariatric surgery.
Thanks to all those who tuned in for our 2024 series, which was watched by more than 1,800 primary care providers. If you have suggestions for 2025 webinar topics, please email [email protected].
Previous webinars
Nov. 18, 2024: Respiratory virus season, FAST, bariatric surgery | Slides
Sept. 23, 2024: Neurodiversity and skin cancer | Slides
July 3, 2024: The pain problem: managing Fibromyalgia in the medical home | Slides
April 22, 2024: Crucial conversations about obesity, death and dying | Slides
February 26, 2024: FIB-4 paradigm shift, AUD, cirrhosis, PLE and other hot topics | Slides: Alcohol use disorder | FIB-4 paradigm shift | Cirrhosis | hot topics | Physician Q&A
October 16, 2023: Alcohol use disorder & other hot topics | Slides -- Alcohol Use Disorder | Immunizations | Q&A
May 15, 2023: Access Mental Health resource database, colon cancer screening, hot topics | Slides | Physician Q&A
March 13, 2023: All about ortho and other primary care hot topics | Slides | Physician Q&A
Nov. 14, 2022: Borderline vs. ADHD vs. Bipolar and primary care hot topics | Slides: BPD | IDA pathway | Breast cancer screening | Hot topics | MAPS
Sept. 12, 2022: Webinar featuring potential physician contract, COVID-19, GI access + mental health | Mental health apps directory | Slides: Getting in to see a gastroenterologist | Mental health apps | COVID-19 & immunization, monkeypox: Dr. Kellner | Physician Q&A
May 30, 2022: Paxlovid in Primary Care (Paxlovid, COVID-19 and anxiety) | Slides: May 30 webinar | Survey for webinar attendees (May 30) | Physician Q&A
December 13, 2021: The Missing Link (Specialist Link, COVID-19 and psychedelics) | Slides: Dec. 13 webinar
October 18, 2021: Checking In, Checking Up (Taking the pulse of family physicians during the fourth wave) | Slides: Dr. Jim Kellner on COVID-19 science | Physician and Family Support Program & evaluation link | Physician Q&A
September 13, 2021: Webinar featuring Dr. Deena Hinshaw | Physician FAQ document | Slides: Dr. Rick Ward (case studies) | Dr. Christine Luelo's practice perspectives | Dr. Deena Hinshaw: Public health update
June 7, 2021: Video: Mental health & COVID-19 | Slides: Exploring gender identity | Slides: DBT | Slides: COVID-19 family practice update | Evaluation | Physician Q&A document
May 3, 2021: Video: Vaccines and Community Vaccination, with Dr. Deena Hinshaw |Slides: VaccinesCommunity| Mental health moment: Addiction medicine with Dr. Monty Ghosh | Complete the survey | Physician Q&A
April 6, 2021: Video: Community vs. COVID-19 edited webinar | Community vs. COVID-19 slides | Physician Q&A | Register for May 3 webinar
March 1, 2021: Video: COVID-19 conundrums | Physician Q&A | Webinar slides (including evaluation)
February 1, 2021, vaccine & alcohol use disorder webinar: Video: vaccine webinar | Video: Alcohol Use Disorder | Physician Q&A | Slides: Alcohol Use Disorder | Opioid update | Vaccine hesitancy - Dr. Cora Constantinescu | Promoting vaccine uptake - Dr. Christine Luelo | What are our patients telling us? - Dr. Rick Ward | Attendance link and registration for next webinar
November 23, 2020: COVID-19 and mental health video | Slides: Pathway updates + agenda/evaluation - Dr. Rick Ward | Patient journey - Dr. Christine Luelo | Virtual care etiquette - Dr. Christine Luelo | Tips for handling the holidays - Dr. Vanessa Chong | Second wave surge - Dr. Jia Hu | Physician Q&A
October 19, 2020: Mental health and COVID-19 video | Physician Q&A | Slides: Agenda and evaluation/certificate link | Common adult ADHD presentations | Community transmission - Dr. Jia Hu | Lab delays - Julia Hendry | Reducing unnecessary testing - Dr. Janet Reynolds
September 29, 2020: Primary Care Pulse Check edited video | Slides:Primary Care Pulse Check
August 24, 2020: Video: Back to school webinar | Physician Q&A from event | Slides: Mental health & return to school | Public health | Calgary Board of Education | Pediatric COVID-19 considerations | Pediatric pathways | Primary care pediatric pathway scenarios
May 25, 2020: Video - Dr. Ward, Andrew Baxter, Dr. Conly, Dr. Luelo, Dr. Reynolds, Dr. McKnight, Dr. Smiljic, Dr. Piesas and Brandie Walker | Slides: Mental health | PCN update | Clinical perspective | Rural perspective | Specialist LINK update | Physician FAQ
May 4, 2020: Video - Dr. Ward, Dr. Berg, Dr. Hu, Dr. Luelo, Dr. Vyse, Dr. Walker & Dr. Parkins | Slides: Mental health | Public health | PCN update | Dr. Adam Vyse | Specialist LINK experience | COVID science update | Physician FAQ
April 20, 2020: Video - Dr. Ward, Dr. Chong, Dr. Luelo, Dr. Hu & Drs. Parkins and Walker | Slides: Mental health | Mental health toolkit | PCN update | COVID pathway | Public health | Physician FAQ
April 6, 2020: Video - Dr. Ward, Dr. Berg, Dr. Hu, Dr. Luelo & Drs. Grinman, Parkins, Walker and Cornelson | Slides - COVID pathway | PCN update: Protecting patients in the Medical Home | Downregulating Disregulation | Roth Score | Physician FAQ (April 6)
March 30, 2020: Video: Dr. Ward, Dr. Luelo, Dr. Oakander, Dr. Gill, Dr. Hu | Slides: PCN update | Mental health | Infectious Disease | Public Health | Physician FAQ
March 16, 2020: Video - Dr. Ward, Dr. Luelo, Dr. Gill & Dr. Hu | Slides from COVID-19 education event with Dr. John Gill | Physician FAQ
Latest memos
Modernizing Alberta's Primary Health Care System (MAPS): MAPS information | MAPS implementation plan | MAPS regional networks town hall slides May 2024 | MAPS regional networks FAQ May 2024 | July 31 MAPS townhall | MAPS transition to regional networks | Primary Care Alberta FAQ | Town hall summary December 2024 | MAPS FAQ Dec 2024 | MAPS winter newsletter
Calgary Zone Service Plan: 2023-26 Calgary Zone Service Plan & at a glance
General memos: Connect Care/lab fact sheet | Breast health clinic info & referral form | FAST fax number poster | | Alberta Find a Doctor By the numbers report | | Pain cognitive patterns | Exercise pathway | Mikata pathway project | Silver Linings Foundation brochure, referral form, assessment tools, screening guidelines | Alberta Virtual Chronic Pain Program 1-pager | infographic | Calgary area gynecology sites | FAST gynecology letter to primary care | Home & community care memo | Mosaic PCN MD posting
Newsletters / updates
Primary Cares newsletter:
February 7 (Concussion pathways, compensation model info)
January 24 (Palliative care, home care, PCCM webinars)
January 10 (Gynecology referrals, tele-advice closures, physician comprehensive care model resources, Refocusing health: Engagement sessions)2024:
Urgent gynecology message
December 20 (Physician comprehensive care model resources, Measles case in Calgary, Urology, orthopedic surgery tele-advice to close, etc.)
December 13 (Specialist Link holiday schedule, FAST reminder, mail and fax results being resent, etc.)
Nov. 29 (webinar links, FAST batch launch, etc.)
Nov. 15 (Webinar, FAST batch launch, new pathway, etc.)
Nov. 1 (Arthur Child changes, My Personal Records)
October 18 (Infectious disease webinar, immunization program, patient referral issue, Primary Care Alberta set to be launched)
October 4 (Understanding neurodiversity webinar, viral transport changes, home care program transition, vaccine distribution, regional networks physician survey)
September 20 (Understanding neurodiversity webinar, referrals via FAST, updated: suicide prevention contact info)
September 6 (Non-melanoma skin cancer webinar, new tele-advice services, clinical indications for urine cytology, interval changes for glucose in neonates)
August 23 (Panel size webinar, new tele-advice services, Mpox lab testing)
August 2 (MAPS town hall, Connect Care document, results routing, canREACH fall sessions)
July 26 (Duplicative lab requisitions, Dermatology tele-advice, wildfire resources)
July 12 (Fibromyalgia webinar, eReferral changes, MAPS newsletter)
June 28 (Fibromyalgia webinar, clinic pilot, bariatric referrals)
June 14 (Fibromyalgia pathway now available, FAST program pausing spine referrals, new guidance on minimum retesting intervals)
May 31 (Demystifying fibromyalgia, pathway updates, fax routing for Connect Care)
May 17 (Headache and migraine, neurology access pathways, Town hall: Regional primary health care networks, Fibromyalgia webinar, measles precautions)
May 3 (Specialist link, by the numbers, Alberta Find a Doctor, Webinar: Crucial conversations)
April 19 (New payment model framework, MAPS implementation plan, Webinar: Crucial conversations)
April 5 (Webinar: Crucial conversations, Measles update, Stabilization funding, Mpox information)
March 22 (Lab supply portal launch, refocusing health update, FIB-4 webinar links)
March 8 (Calgary Zone FIB-4 and liver health webinar link, lab changes, General surgery referral)
February 23 (Updated non-alcoholic fatty liver disease pathway, panel management support program, Urology referrals)
February 9 (Good faith claims live, register for FIB-4 webinar, Urology referral issue, Syphilis, gonorrhea resources)
January 26 (Virtual mental health codes, FIB-4 paradigm shift webinar, General Surgery set for access launch, Strep A resources)
January 12 (Webinar: Liver health, Transgender health tele-advice, pertussis information)
2023: December 15 (Introduction from Physician Lead Executive, Specialist Link holiday hours, respiratory virus information, EMR survey results)
December 1 (Vascular surgery referrals, measles case, CanREACH workshops)
November 17 (Stat testing standardization, Syphilis webinar, Primary care announcement)
November 3 (Virtual mental health codes, enhanced lipid reporting, notification duplication issues)
October 20 (Primary care access, MAPS final report, Calgary Zone webinar, Vaccine brand update)
October 13 (Alcohol use disorder webinar, updated heart failure pathway, immunization update, surveys, engagement opportunities)
September 29 (Alcohol use disorder pathway, Specialist Link passes 10,000 calls, Immunization campaign, Virtual care, good faith statement)
September 15 (E. coli information, Prenatal, postpartum care for evacuees, breast health program, Fall webinar: Alcohol use disorder)
September 1 (Fecal calprotectin testing, retroactive payments, alcohol use disorder)
Aug. 18 (Fall webinar: Alcohol use disorder, oncology medication info)
Aug. 4 (COPD referral algorithm, community lab appointments)
July 21 (Spinal surgery tele-advice discontinued, health mandate letter)
July 7 (Alberta Surgical Initiative update, dementia advice)
June 23 (EMR survey)
June 16 (Masking requirements lifted by AHS)
June 2 (Hematology and thrombosis tele-advice)
May 19 (Access Mental Health Resource Database)
May 5 (Connect Care, lab delays, MAPS review, mental health survey) |
April 21 | April 6 | March 24 | March 10 | Feb. 24 | Feb. 10 | Jan. 27 | Jan. 13 |
2022: Dec. 16 | Dec. 2 | Nov 18 | Nov 4 | Oct 21 | Oct 7 | Sept 23 | Sept 16 | Sept 9 | August 26 | August 12 | July 29 | July 15 | June 30 | June 17 | June 3 | May 27 | May 20 | May 13 | May 6 | April 29 | April 22 | April 8 | April 1 | Mar 18 | Mar 11 | Mar 4 | Feb. 25 | Feb. 18 | Feb. 11 | Feb. 4 | Jan. 28, 2022 | Jan. 21, 2022 | Jan. 14, 2022 | Jan. 7, 2022
2021: Dec. 17, 2021 | Dec 3 | Nov 26 | Nov 19 | Nov 5 | Oct 22 | Oct 8 | Oct 1 | Sept 16 | Sept 10 | July 29 | July 22 | July 8 | June 25 | June 11 | June 4 | May 7 | April 15 | April 8 | April 1 | March 18 | March 4 | February 18 | February 4 | January 21 | January 7
2020: August 27 | June 17 | June 3 | May 27 | May 20 | May 22 | May 15 | May 13 | May 12 | May 8 | May 6 | May 5 | May 1 | April 29 | April 24 | April 22 | April 20 | April 15 | April 8 | April 2 | March 26 | March 19 | March 13Infographics: Calgary Zone COVID-19 response infographic | Calgary Zone COVID-19 response infographic (April 8) | Alberta Find a Doctor infographic | COVID-19 response infographic (February 18)