Associated clinical pathways

There are no pathways associated with this tele-advice service at this time.

Breastfeeding/bottle-feeding assessment referral form

These pathways are not a substitute for clinical judgment or the advice of a qualified health care professional. It is expected that all users will seek advice from other appropriately qualified and regulated health care providers with any issues transcending their specific knowledge, scope of regulated practice or professional competence.

eReferral eConsult also available

As an alternative to tele-advice, providers in the Calgary Zone can submit an eReferral Advice Request for support with breast health. Consult the eReferral reasons for referral document for more information.

Physicians and their support staff can submit eReferral eConsult requests to specialists and receive clinical advice within five calendar days.

How to request Breastfeeding IBCLC tele-advice

Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday: 8 a.m - 4 p.m
Saturday to Sunday: Closed

This service is temporarily closed.
Please check back for updates.
Opens tomorrow at 8 a.m

✅ Request has been sent successfully!
Specialist: {specialist}
Practitioner ID: {prac_id}

❌ Service closed

This tele-advice service is closed.

For more information, please call 403.910.2551 Ext 0, or email [email protected]
(Please note: Calls and emails will be returned during office hours, Monday to Friday)

What can I enquire about?

  • Medications or advice related to mother's milk supply
  • Medication safety with breastfeeding
  • COVID+ mother who is breastfeeding
  • Domperidone recommendations for the breastfeeding mother, including considerations if on QT prolonging medications
  • Treatment plan recommendations for a suspected yeast infection in the mother's breast
  • Recommendations around baby with a milk protein allergy

More details

Non-urgent tele-advice is available from a team of physicians who have in International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant certificate.

To request this service by phone, call 403-910-2551 and press 6, 3.

Contact us

If you have a question, comment or technical issue, please call 403.910.2551 Ext 0, or email [email protected].